Create Windows and Linux installers for conda-based projects

You can create a user-friendly installers for Windows and Linux using a dedicated conda package called conda-bundle. Warning: conda-bundle is still actively modified and should be considered as a Work in Progress. Features will change in the future and things will break. But hopefully if your installer is correctly generated…

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Create a GitLab Page for a given project

C’est une petite note sur comment créer une page GitLab Pages pour un projet donné. Créez un fichier .gitlab-ci.yml comme indiqué ici : (partez de HTML si vous n’avez pas à compiler un framework, ou choisissez le framework que vous utilisez sinon, par exemple vous pouvez partir d’un fichier…

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An overview of classes involved with the PaneSlider in dtkWidgets

The PaneSlider is a component from dtkWidgets that displays widgets and that can slide on the right to display more menus. Currently this PaneSlider is a bit problematic. There are some annoying bugs related to sliding, where it only slide halfway or where widgets are not displayed . To find…

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How to move directory from a git repo to another

This post is a copy from Matthias Schoettle’s blog Let us just moved one directory within a Git repository to a directory within another repository including its history. For example: repositoryA/ “`console ………../directoryToKeep ………../otherDirectory ………../someFile.ext repositoryB/ ………../someStuff The goal is to move directoryToKeep into repositoryB with its history, i.e., all…

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A Hello World Python Repository

python-hello_world This repository contains an example of a minimal Python package. The file is central, it uses setuptools to package the python code. In the following we consider that a Conda environment has been created and activated. You can for instance use the development environment described in the conda/environment.yaml…

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Sprint Bolis2 – Démo du 28 septembre 2018

Contexte L’ADT Bolis2 a pour but le développement du logiciel Fs3d (ou FindSources3D) dédié à la localisation de sources via la résolution de problèmes inverses en électroencéphalographie (EEG). À partir de mesures ponctuelles du potentiel électrique, obtenues numériquement ou prises par des électrodes sur le cuir chevelu, Fs3d estime des…

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