Category: Tools
dtk coding style
Introduction This document describes the recommended coding style for dtk. This style is not mandatory, but to have consistent formatting of the source code files it is recommended to make use of it. dtk coding style follows the Qt coding style, with few differences desribed here after. Rules Indentation 4…
Create a GitLab Page for a given project
C’est une petite note sur comment créer une page GitLab Pages pour un projet donné. Créez un fichier .gitlab-ci.yml comme indiqué ici : (partez de HTML si vous n’avez pas à compiler un framework, ou choisissez le framework que vous utilisez sinon, par exemple vous pouvez partir d’un fichier…
How to move directory from a git repo to another
This post is a copy from Matthias Schoettle’s blog Let us just moved one directory within a Git repository to a directory within another repository including its history. For example: repositoryA/ “`console ………../directoryToKeep ………../otherDirectory ………../someFile.ext repositoryB/ ………../someStuff The goal is to move directoryToKeep into repositoryB with its history, i.e., all…
Long time booting on ubuntu 18.04 : solved
Intro Histoire de ne pas re-rechercher pendant des heures la solution, je copie ici la suite des instructions qui m’ont permis de réduire de 30s le temps de démarrage de Ubuntu 18.04 sur mon HP EliteBook 840. Le symptôme Il est simple: un temps insensé pour arriver à mon écran…
StatisKit – Dreamtech
Summary StatisKit is C++ library interfaced with Python. Large software projects can be hard to maintain for statisticians. Moreover, mastering the mysteries of Python wrapping for C++ libraries is asking too much for researchers that are not familiar with Boost.Python or related. After a short introduction concerning StatisKit, this Dreamtech…
Using containers on the Nef cluster.
Containers are becoming a very popular way of packaging software nowadays. The most used format is currently docker container images. One problem with docker is that you can’t use it on Nef since it requires a root daemon that bypasses the OAR scheduler running on Nef nodes. So we need… integration
0 – Principle The main idea is to interconnect the GITLAB (SCM) and the CI (continous integration) services, in order to: automatically run jobs on CI, then some events occur on the GITLAB side, such as: new push to branches, merge request on feature branches… automatically publish the CI build…
dtk coding style
Introduction This document describes the recommended coding style for dtk. This style is not mandatory, but to have consistent formatting of the source code files it is recommended to make use of it. dtk coding style follows the Qt coding style, with few differences desribed here after. Rules Indentation 4…
Create a GitLab Page for a given project
C’est une petite note sur comment créer une page GitLab Pages pour un projet donné. Créez un fichier .gitlab-ci.yml comme indiqué ici : (partez de HTML si vous n’avez pas à compiler un framework, ou choisissez le framework que vous utilisez sinon, par exemple vous pouvez partir d’un fichier…
How to move directory from a git repo to another
This post is a copy from Matthias Schoettle’s blog Let us just moved one directory within a Git repository to a directory within another repository including its history. For example: repositoryA/ “`console ………../directoryToKeep ………../otherDirectory ………../someFile.ext repositoryB/ ………../someStuff The goal is to move directoryToKeep into repositoryB with its history, i.e., all…
Long time booting on ubuntu 18.04 : solved
Intro Histoire de ne pas re-rechercher pendant des heures la solution, je copie ici la suite des instructions qui m’ont permis de réduire de 30s le temps de démarrage de Ubuntu 18.04 sur mon HP EliteBook 840. Le symptôme Il est simple: un temps insensé pour arriver à mon écran…
StatisKit – Dreamtech
Summary StatisKit is C++ library interfaced with Python. Large software projects can be hard to maintain for statisticians. Moreover, mastering the mysteries of Python wrapping for C++ libraries is asking too much for researchers that are not familiar with Boost.Python or related. After a short introduction concerning StatisKit, this Dreamtech…
Using containers on the Nef cluster.
Containers are becoming a very popular way of packaging software nowadays. The most used format is currently docker container images. One problem with docker is that you can’t use it on Nef since it requires a root daemon that bypasses the OAR scheduler running on Nef nodes. So we need… integration
0 – Principle The main idea is to interconnect the GITLAB (SCM) and the CI (continous integration) services, in order to: automatically run jobs on CI, then some events occur on the GITLAB side, such as: new push to branches, merge request on feature branches… automatically publish the CI build…