An overview of classes involved with the PaneSlider in dtkWidgets

The PaneSlider is a component from dtkWidgets that displays widgets and that can slide on the right to display more menus. Currently this PaneSlider is a bit problematic. There are some annoying bugs related to sliding, where it only slide halfway or where widgets are not displayed . To find…

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How to move directory from a git repo to another

This post is a copy from Matthias Schoettle’s blog Let us just moved one directory within a Git repository to a directory within another repository including its history. For example: repositoryA/ “`console ………../directoryToKeep ………../otherDirectory ………../someFile.ext repositoryB/ ………../someStuff The goal is to move directoryToKeep into repositoryB with its history, i.e., all…

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A Hello World Python Repository

python-hello_world This repository contains an example of a minimal Python package. The file is central, it uses setuptools to package the python code. In the following we consider that a Conda environment has been created and activated. You can for instance use the development environment described in the conda/environment.yaml…

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StatisKit – Dreamtech

Summary StatisKit is C++ library interfaced with Python. Large software projects can be hard to maintain for statisticians. Moreover, mastering the mysteries of Python wrapping for C++ libraries is asking too much for researchers that are not familiar with Boost.Python or related. After a short introduction concerning StatisKit, this Dreamtech…

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