Immersive Space

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The immersive space is an experimental platform, which provides a powerful facility to researchers involved in the VR field, an easy access to VR to researchers in related areas and a high quality showroom to present the research center results and display interactive research results.

It is made of two separate facilities, a CadWall and a four walls immersive Cube. Both devices offer 6:1 sound restitution, Infitec stereo images and optical tracking. These devices have been financed by regional, national and european credits in a CPER (Contrat de Projet Etat Region) project funding.

Theses facilities are also available to Inria’s private parterns. After a three month free investigation, a disposal contract can be agreed between you and Inria to provide you the access and usage of these equipements. If you are interested, feel free to contact: is-pilot

[for more information: The Gouraud Phong platform]

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