Tag: dtk
Using dtk within Fortran code and outlook
In the context of the ADT Simon related to the Inria Project Lab (IPL) C2S@Exa dealing with High Performance Computations (HPC), a lot of efforts were made by the dtk team to develop both API and efficient back-ends for parallel sparse linear algebra. Simultaneously, Tristan Cabel modified the Fortran code…
dtk platforms
Today, several software engineering projects are being developed using dtk architecture (see former post) leading to specific platforms dedicated to very different scientific fields: num3sis, axel, medinria, carbonquant, enas, in@lgae, pib, windpos, sup, fsd3d++. Here follows a brief description of scientific goals for each of them.
Atelier dtk-distributed
Les devexp 2015 ont été l’occasion pour nous de faire un atelier sur dtkDistributed, dans lignée du DreamTech: dtkDistributed. La présentation est maintenant accessible en ligne . Le tutorial proposant de développer l’algorithme PageRank se trouve sur github.
DreamTech : dtk distributed
Dans le cadre des DreamTech du SED, on se propose de faire une présentation un peu poussée du layer distributed de dtk qui commence à arriver à maturité. Le 1er opus de cette présentation aura lieu mercredi prochain (29 avril) de 10 à 11h30 en salle Khan 01. Nous passerons…
dtk – introduction
What is dtk? When we carry out software development in Inria research teams, recurring questions arise: “We have lots of software librairies and applications, that are all equally important but we cannot maintain them. Besides, we do not know where to add new features.” “We need a modular architecture, but…
Using dtk within Fortran code and outlook
In the context of the ADT Simon related to the Inria Project Lab (IPL) C2S@Exa dealing with High Performance Computations (HPC), a lot of efforts were made by the dtk team to develop both API and efficient back-ends for parallel sparse linear algebra. Simultaneously, Tristan Cabel modified the Fortran code…
dtk platforms
Today, several software engineering projects are being developed using dtk architecture (see former post) leading to specific platforms dedicated to very different scientific fields: num3sis, axel, medinria, carbonquant, enas, in@lgae, pib, windpos, sup, fsd3d++. Here follows a brief description of scientific goals for each of them.
Atelier dtk-distributed
Les devexp 2015 ont été l’occasion pour nous de faire un atelier sur dtkDistributed, dans lignée du DreamTech: dtkDistributed. La présentation est maintenant accessible en ligne . Le tutorial proposant de développer l’algorithme PageRank se trouve sur github.
DreamTech : dtk distributed
Dans le cadre des DreamTech du SED, on se propose de faire une présentation un peu poussée du layer distributed de dtk qui commence à arriver à maturité. Le 1er opus de cette présentation aura lieu mercredi prochain (29 avril) de 10 à 11h30 en salle Khan 01. Nous passerons…
dtk – introduction
What is dtk? When we carry out software development in Inria research teams, recurring questions arise: “We have lots of software librairies and applications, that are all equally important but we cannot maintain them. Besides, we do not know where to add new features.” “We need a modular architecture, but…