(Français) Minute Startup -1-
(Français) Les Minutes « Startup »
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Retour d’expérience : méthode agile simplifiée
Cet article présente un retour d’expérience sur plusieurs années pendant lesquelles nous avons mis en place de la méthodologie agile, principalement Scrum, dans notre contexte de développement et de recherche scientifiques. En préambule, quelques articles basiques permettant de comprendre les principaux fondements de ces méthodes : Wikipédia Méthode Agile Wikipédia…
Using dtk within Fortran code and outlook
In the context of the ADT Simon related to the Inria Project Lab (IPL) C2S@Exa dealing with High Performance Computations (HPC), a lot of efforts were made by the dtk team to develop both API and efficient back-ends for parallel sparse linear algebra. Simultaneously, Tristan Cabel modified the Fortran code…
Deploying Qt based applications without the hassle.
With the advent of the Qt Installer FrameWork (QtIFW), it has never been easier to provide installers for your Qt based applications. Such installers can be either online (i.e. they fetch contents from the internet from repositories during the installation process, thus allowing updates), or offline (i.e. all the contents…
Immersive space rebirth
The “Immersive Space steering committee” is sponsoring a 6 month intership to promote the use of immersive space as a demonstration area. Every research team is invited to propose an idea of demonstration, a short one page description will suffice. The deadline is 30th of november 2015. The steering committee…
Run a GL application on the Nef cluster with virtualGL
The nef cluster comes with 6 nodes equipped with Nvidia GPUs. Typically, they are used with cuda or opencl to run some highly parallel computations. But you may also run OpenGL applications on them.