Dream - SED Sophia Antipolis Méditerrannée
Dream is the local name of CRISAM's service for supporting experiments & development, aka. SED.
Our service is composed of research engineers providing support for development, experiments and the management of experimental platforms. The team keeps up on technological advances.
This website is mainly used to provide blog posts about our activity. For institutional information, please visit the appropriate section on the Inria intranet.
To add a RSS feed to our blogposts, please click on the following link: https://iww.inria.fr/sed-sophia/feed.
To contact us, please send email to sed-sophia@inria.fr.
Graph Connected Component Analysis with Bulk-Synchronous-Parallel Processing
In an undirected graph, a connected component is a subgraph in which any two vertices are connected to each other by paths. Usual algorithms build a graph where each vertex is labeled with its component number. They use a search from an unclassified vertex to build the connected component containing…
dtk platforms

Today, several software engineering projects are being developed using dtk architecture (see former post) leading to specific platforms dedicated to very different scientific fields: num3sis, axel, medinria, carbonquant, enas, in@lgae, pib, windpos, sup, fsd3d++. Here follows a brief description of scientific goals for each of them.
Trick of the day: monitoring the Linux filesystem changes in “real time”
Ever wanted to monitor the filesystem changes ? Since Linux 2.6.25, the kernel provides us with a signal driven I/O notification API and the inotify-tools RPM provides a set of tools to interact with the kernel. inotify in action: a simple way to test this API is to run the…
Atelier dtk-distributed
Les devexp 2015 ont été l’occasion pour nous de faire un atelier sur dtkDistributed, dans lignée du DreamTech: dtkDistributed. La présentation est maintenant accessible en ligne . Le tutorial proposant de développer l’algorithme PageRank se trouve sur github.