Dream - SED Sophia Antipolis Méditerrannée
Dream is the local name of CRISAM's service for supporting experiments & development, aka. SED.
Our service is composed of research engineers providing support for development, experiments and the management of experimental platforms. The team keeps up on technological advances.
This website is mainly used to provide blog posts about our activity. For institutional information, please visit the appropriate section on the Inria intranet.
To add a RSS feed to our blogposts, please click on the following link: https://iww.inria.fr/sed-sophia/feed.
To contact us, please send email to sed-sophia@inria.fr.
A Hello World Python Repository
python-hello_world This repository contains an example of a minimal Python package. The setup.py file is central, it uses setuptools to package the python code. In the following we consider that a Conda environment has been created and activated. You can for instance use the development environment described in the conda/environment.yaml…
GRUB lacks write support for lvm : solved
Intro On reprend les mêmes et on recommence. Le post précédent m’a permis d’obtenir un temps de boot raisonnable. Mais il se trouve que depuis le dernier update de mon système, l’interface GRUB a ressurgi de nulle part avec un timeout de 30s… ne nous énervons pas… Je n’ai rien…
Long time booting on ubuntu 18.04 : solved
Intro Histoire de ne pas re-rechercher pendant des heures la solution, je copie ici la suite des instructions qui m’ont permis de réduire de 30s le temps de démarrage de Ubuntu 18.04 sur mon HP EliteBook 840. Le symptôme Il est simple: un temps insensé pour arriver à mon écran…
StatisKit – Dreamtech
Summary StatisKit is C++ library interfaced with Python. Large software projects can be hard to maintain for statisticians. Moreover, mastering the mysteries of Python wrapping for C++ libraries is asking too much for researchers that are not familiar with Boost.Python or related. After a short introduction concerning StatisKit, this Dreamtech…