Mazyar Mirrahimi – The quest for long-lived quantum bit

January 30th, 2020 The field of quantum information processing (quantum computation and quantum communication) has grown considerably in recent decades. Numerous proof-of-principle experiments on small-scale quantum systems (few physical degrees of freedom) have been carried out in various physical frameworks such as NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), trapped ions, linear optics…

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Andrew Stuart – The Legacy of Rudolph Kalman

March 28th, 2019 In 1960 Rudolph Kalman published what is arguably the first paper to develop a systematic, principled approach to the use of data to improve the predictive capability of mathematical models. As our ability to gather data grows at an enormous rate, the importance of this work continues to grow…

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Gabriel Peyré – Numerical Optimal Transport and Applications

January 19th, 2017 Optimal transport (OT) has become a fundamental mathematical theoretical tool at the interface between calculus of variations, partial differential equations and probability. It took however much more time for this notion to become mainstream in numerical applications. This situation is in large part due to the high…

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Brian Cantwell Smith – Semantics in the Time of Computing

December 8th, 2016 Much of the technical terminology of computer science betrays its logical heritage: ‘language’, ‘symbol’, ‘syntax’, ‘semantics’, ‘value’, ‘reference’, ‘identifier’, ‘data’, etc.  Classically, such terms were used to name essential phenomena underlying logic, human thought and language — phenomena, it was widely believed, that would never succumb to…

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David Harel – On Artificial Olfaction, and How to Test For It

November 3rd, 2016 For years there has been interest in the possibility of building a reliable odor reproduction system (AOS), with its vast spectrum of applications: from e-commerce, games and video, via the food and cosmetics industry, to medical diagnosis. Such a system would enable an output device — the…

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Jean-Paul Delahaye – Le Bitcoin et les monnaies cryptographiques

20 octobre 2016 En 2008 une nouvelle façon de concevoir la monnaie a été proposée, qui remet en cause les anciennes idées sur cette institution. Comme pour le courrier électronique ou internet qui ne sont aux mains d’aucune autorité et conduisent donc à une meilleure appropriation de l’information par tous,…

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