(English) How to trigger a build remotely?

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2 Commentaires

  1. Sorry to come back to this after so long, but I’m working on Jenkins in a secure environment, and I need to solve the opposite problem: How can I initiate slave builds that must be under my personal login on the slave? It seems like this should be easier, as you allude in your comment, but I can’t find any guides to that.

    1. You can define a Jenkins node by providing your personal login and an SSH key to use. Once done, your jobs will be able to run jobs on this slave by using your account. One other way would be to define a JNLP node and initiate the connection from your slave. See https://support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/227834227-How-to-create-a-new-node- for more information

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