Dream - SED Sophia Antipolis Méditerrannée
Dream is the local name of CRISAM's service for supporting experiments & development, aka. SED.
Our service is composed of research engineers providing support for development, experiments and the management of experimental platforms. The team keeps up on technological advances.
This website is mainly used to provide blog posts about our activity. For institutional information, please visit the appropriate section on the Inria intranet.
To add a RSS feed to our blogposts, please click on the following link: https://iww.inria.fr/sed-sophia/feed.
To contact us, please send email to sed-sophia@inria.fr.
WSL2 performance tips
WSL2 stands for Windows Subsytem for Linux, version 2. It lets one use a Linux environment on a Windows machine without the burden of using double boot or explicit virtual machine setup. This is a great tool, but one might experience very low performance under some situations. The good news…
Migration from GitLab to GitHub
This document explains how to migrate from GitLab to Github including git history, issues, milestones, labels and merge requests as well as github pages and using GitHub workflow actions to be used instead of Jenkins or GitLab runners. Here are the steps that need to be followed respectively. 1. Migrate…
How to clean a git repository
Sorry, this entry is only available in French.
Tuning Python script performance with profiling

Profiling a program consists in dynamically collecting measures during the program execution : which functions or pieces of code are executed, how many times, the duration of an execution, the call tree, … cProfile is a common profiler for Python programs. cProfile does deterministic profiling – it collects counters for…