Catégorie : Séminaire

(English) Eduard ROHAN

Eduard ROHAN, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic: Multicompartment and multiscale models of blood flow in liver for simulation of the CT perfusion test The talk is devoted to a multiscale approach to modelling the tissue blood perfusion which should enable for an improved quantitative analysis of the tissue scans provided by the standard computed …

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Carol S. WOODWARD, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Etats unis : A reconsideration of fixed point methods for nonlinear systems Newton-Krylov methods have proven to be very effective for solution of large-scale, nonlinear systems of equations resulting from discretizations of PDEs. However, increasing complexities and newer models are giving rise to nonlinear systems with characteristics that …

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Roland BECKER, Université de Pau : Nitsche’s method for incompressible flows In this talk we study the finite element formulation of general boundary conditions for incompressible flow problems. Distinguishing between the contributions from the inviscid and viscid parts of the equations, we use Nitsche’s method to develop a discrete weighted weak formulation valid for all …

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Jean-François BABADJIAN

Jean-François BABADJIAN, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Paris 6 : Une approche variationnelle de la mécanique de la rupture Dans cet exposé, nous présenterons un modèle variationnel en mécanique de la rupture fragile introduit par Francfort et Marigo. Celui-ci repose sur une idée originale due a Griffith qui postule l’existence d’une énergie de surface. La propagation …

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Enrique D. FERNANDEZ-NIETO, U. of Sevilla, Spain et Tomás MORALES DE LUNA, Cordoba University, Spain : Some advances on the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of sediment transport: bedload and suspension This talk focuses on several aspects related to the matematical modelling and simulation of sediment transport in rivers and coastal areas. Sediment transport is …

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