Enrique D. FERNANDEZ-NIETO, U. of Sevilla, Spain et Tomás MORALES DE LUNA, Cordoba University, Spain :
Some advances on the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of sediment transport: bedload and suspension

This talk focuses on several aspects related to the matematical modelling and simulation of sediment transport in rivers and coastal areas. Sediment transport is usually classified into bedload and suspension transport. This talk is divided in two parts following these two topics: firstly some recent advances on mathematical models for bedload transport will be presented. Saint-Venant-Exner system is generally used to model the bedload transport in rivers, lakes and coastal areas. We present a deduction of the Saint-Venant-Exner model through an asymptotic analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations.

Secondly we present a model to study suspension transport based on a multi-layer approach. An interesting phenomena related to sediment in suspension are hyperpycnal and hypopycnal plumes: when a river that carries an elevated concentration of suspended sediment comes into the ocean, it can form a plume that advects the sediment from the river mouth which can plunge (hyperpycnal) or float (hypopycnal) in the receiving ambient water. The multilayer approach will allow to accurately describe these phenomena and the vertical distribution of sediment inside the plume.

Vidéo de l’exposé

Mercredi 9 septembre, de 10h30 à 11h45, l’amphithéâtre Turing, bâtiment 1, centre de Paris-Rocquencourt. Café à partir de 10h15.