Dream - SED Sophia Antipolis Méditerrannée
Dream is the local name of CRISAM's service for supporting experiments & development, aka. SED.
Our service is composed of research engineers providing support for development, experiments and the management of experimental platforms. The team keeps up on technological advances.
This website is mainly used to provide blog posts about our activity. For institutional information, please visit the appropriate section on the Inria intranet.
To add a RSS feed to our blogposts, please click on the following link: https://iww.inria.fr/sed-sophia/feed.
To contact us, please send email to sed-sophia@inria.fr.
DreamTech : dtk distributed
Dans le cadre des DreamTech du SED, on se propose de faire une présentation un peu poussée du layer distributed de dtk qui commence à arriver à maturité. Le 1er opus de cette présentation aura lieu mercredi prochain (29 avril) de 10 à 11h30 en salle Khan 01. Nous passerons…
dtk – introduction

What is dtk? When we carry out software development in Inria research teams, recurring questions arise: “We have lots of software librairies and applications, that are all equally important but we cannot maintain them. Besides, we do not know where to add new features.” “We need a modular architecture, but…
Using valgrind with cmake and jenkins
This post will explain how to use valgrind memcheck in cmake/ctest and publish the result in jenkins. Jenkins requirements: Hudson CMake plugin and Vagrind plugin First, you have to setup cmake to use valgrind when launching tests; the valgrind jenkins plugin requires the XML output format, so you have to…