Dream - SED Sophia Antipolis Méditerrannée
Dream is the local name of CRISAM's service for supporting experiments & development, aka. SED.
Our service is composed of research engineers providing support for development, experiments and the management of experimental platforms. The team keeps up on technological advances.
This website is mainly used to provide blog posts about our activity. For institutional information, please visit the appropriate section on the Inria intranet.
To add a RSS feed to our blogposts, please click on the following link: https://iww.inria.fr/sed-sophia/feed.
To contact us, please send email to sed-sophia@inria.fr.
(English) WSL2 performance tips
Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain.
(English) Migration from GitLab to GitHub
Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain.
Remove data from a git history
Preliminary note: this note applies to a simple git repository. For a gitlab repository, please refer to https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/reducing_the_repo_size_using_git.html. gitlab (and possibly other forges based on git) tends to be protective, in order to keep track of the events in the repository and to prevent discrepancy on its data.By example, a…