(Français) Matériel Nautique, de camping et de plein air

  • In charge : Delphine Robache, Evelyne Hubert, Eric Madelaine
  • How to borrow: A loan management tool will be set up very soon. In the meantime, please send a message to agos-sophia-emprunts-pleinair@inria.fr to reserve.
  • Equipment available:
    • 4 inflatable paddles,
    • 1 inflatable kayak,
    • life jackets,
    • Fins, masks, snorkels
    • Family camping tent
    • Camping mattress,
    • Camping equipment (table, chairs, stove)
  • How to borrow: A loan management tool will be set up very soon. In the meantime, please send a message to agos-sophia-emprunts-pleinair@inria.fr to reserve.

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