Return of ski vouchers and validity of

  • Return of ski vouchers :
    Our supplier will resume our packages, until the end of July, it gives us a little time, but I will be on vacation part of July.
    We must send the tickets back to the supplier in a single go, so I suggest starting to recover those that you have, on the fly, during our respective visits to the site. As far as possible, we proceed by personnal appointment, no way you would queue at the Agos office! Contact me beforehand, tell me the number and nature of the tickets you are going to give me back, and I will prepare your check, to exchange the package / check on site. For those who could not come to the site before, at the latest, on July 3, we can study a solution by registered mail (the delivery to the guard post seems problematic if by bad luck the tickets get lost).
  • Cinema tickets and validity dates:–  CGR and UGC Mediterranean Tickets
    Validity dates are extended until December 31, 2020
    All other cinemas:
    It will be extended too, we are waiting for the news.

While waiting for a more normal situation, continue to watch movies, do sports in front of your screen, but stay home as much as possible!

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