Who can benefit from the AGOS?

AGOS beneficiaries : “Ouvrant-droit” plus “Ayant-droit”


The “Ouvrants-droits” :

  • person employed by Inria,
  • Person employed by ERCIM at Sophia Antipolis,
  • Retired Inria agents up to date with their registration (free of charge): agos-sophia.cgl@inria.fr,

The “Ayants-droits” :

  • the “Ouvrants-droits”
  • spouses and dependent children of the beneficiaries

The “Ayants-droits locaux” :

  • PhD students on site (SAM team, on-site office) not paid by Inria their spouse and dependent children can take advantage of local benefits and activities


  • Staff on site (SAM team, on-site office), not paid by Inria, not PhD students can use on site facilities (music and fitness room), participate to free courses of workshop organized by Agos-SAM


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