2022 Subsidies

[Sorry, automatic translation…..]

The subsidy that beneficiaries benefit from within the framework of AGOS activities may change, in particular to take into account budget constraints.


Grants from January 2022:

Individual grant caps

In order to ensure maximum fairness among beneficiaries, we are continuing to implement individual subsidy caps. This year, we are implementing an individual subsidy cap on the entire ticketing pool. This ceiling replaces the ceilings that applied to the various services (limit on the number of ski passes, the number of cinema tickets, etc.).

For the year 2022, we therefore have two individual annual subsidy ceilings

  • An annual “leisure cap” of 150 euros (proportional to the duration of the contract) for the subsidy of cultural and sports leisure activities for each “ayant-droit”
  • An annual “ticketing cap” of 70 euros (proportional to the duration of the contract) for the subsidy of tickets purchased at the AGOS ticketing office for each “ouvrant-droit”

These ceilings may be revised annually to take into account budgetary constraints.

Subsidies for individual leisure activities: 25%.

Subject to the “leisure cap”. Reimbursement based on nominal invoice, in French or English. Does not apply to tickets/activities offered through the AGOS ticketing service or that have been ordered in bulk.

Culture reimbursement for the following cultural activities
  • Tickets to theaters, puppet theaters, opera and choreographic performances,
  • Symphonic concerts, various orchestras, music halls, circuses,
  • tickets to museums, historical monuments.
  • Registration in a club, school, association for the practice of a cultural leisure activity (for example music, drawing, manual activity)
  • Registration fees for individual competitions
Reimbursement for leisure park
Reimbursement for sports activities

on the basis of a nominative invoice for the following activities

  • Registration in a club, school or association for a regular leisure sport activity
  • Purchase of tickets to practice a sport activity. For example, purchase of season tickets for swimming, rowing, climbing, ski passes for resorts not offered by the AGOS ticketing service.
    This subsidy does not apply to equipment rental, stays, or travel.

The procedure for reimbursement on invoice is as follows
send an email to the AGOS manager (agos-sophia.assistante@inria.fr) with the subject line Activity reimbursement on invoice. The message must be sent before December 31 of the current year, regardless of the validity date of the ticket purchased. Invoices must be attached to the message, and the message must contain the name of each beneficiary concerned. In order to facilitate the management, and to avoid multiplying the “small reimbursements”, we recommend you to group your different requests.
Refunds on invoice are not possible for tickets/services offered by the AGOS ticketing office (ticketing or group purchase), and are limited to one ticket per beneficiary and per show/museum for a given date.

Subsidies to the AGOS ticketing service: around 25%.

Subject to the “ticketing cap”,

Subsidies for group classes and activities held at the center: 30%.

Not subject to a subsidy cap.

For courses and group activities organized by the AGOS sections on a regular basis (Gym, dance…) or on a one-time basis (boat license training). The individual rate applied to the beneficiaries is calculated at the beginning of the year based on an estimate of the number of participants and an AGOS subsidy rate of 30%.

Subsidies for group outings: 60%.

Not subject to the individual subsidy ceiling. The price of the outings is calculated based on an estimate of the number of participants and an AGOS subsidy rate of 60%.

“Cultural discovery” subsidy: 75%.

Subject to the “leisure cap”

The subsidy on reimbursement for cultural tickets (shows, museums) is set at 25%. Nevertheless, aware of the fact that the remaining amount to be paid can remain a financial barrier for the most modest households, we propose to subsidize at the rate of 75% 2 cultural tickets per eligible person. Beyond 2 tickets, no subsidy will be applied. This subsidy is reserved for families with a QF of less than 1000 euros.


Exceptional grant for the school year 2021/2022 [outdated]

Regular leisure, sports or cultural activities, in a club, an association, a school.

The cgl AGOS Sophia Antipolis proposes to renew the financial aid for the inscriptions to cultural and sports activities for the school year 2021-2022.

This concerns the regular cultural and sports activities practiced during the school year and requiring a registration of the entitled persons in a school, an association or a club. On the advice of the cgl, it can also concern the purchase of name cards allowing a certain number of sessions of practice of a given activity.

The subsidy is 35%, with a maximum of 50 euros per eligible person (see definition in the FAQ)

The reimbursement procedure is as follows:

–January 30,  2022 deadline for the process.

— Send a message to agos-sophia.assistante@inria.fr, copy agos-sophia.cgl@inria.fr title “Reimbursement regular activity – <your name>”

— This message must contain the name of the organization organizing the activity, the activity performed, and a scan of the paid invoice containing the participant’s name.

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