New Caving Outing: Sunday Oct. 2nd

AGOS offers you a caving discovery outing, to the Grotte de Paques cave, in the Siagne valley. This trip is accessible to anyone who is a bit sporty: an easy access, then a sporty visit inside the cave.

If you want to participate you can register before Sept. 20th on the framadate of the outing, remembering to write down your email address so that we can contact you.


Meeting at 10 a.m. in Opio, for recovery and testing of the equipment; carpool to the parking lot of the cave in St-Cezaire; we should be at the entrance a little before noon. Snack in the porch (bring your picnic!), then about 3 hours of visit to the cave, for a return to Opio around 5 p.m.

Price: Supervision by the AGOS caving section and the COV caving club members is (volunteers!). The club will only charge us a contribution to the costs, covering federal insurance coupon.

AGOS finances 50% of admissions for its “rights holders*”, but everyone is welcome, it will cost you respectively 8 euros for outsiders, and 4 euros for AGOS rights holders*.

For more information, contact Eric

*Small glossary:

Beneficiary: Inria staff (i.e. paid by Inria) or doctoral student carrying out research in an Inria team.
Rights holders: beneficiaries or spouse (married or not, PACS or not) of a beneficiary or dependent child of a beneficiary.

And if you have other ideas for outings, do not hesitate to contact us, we will help you organize it, and provide our financial support.

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