AGOS activities getting back on track!

AGOS activities are gradually getting back on track!

  • AGOS Permanences: Tickets, outings, information and suggestions, the AGOS office will be open every Thursday in July from 13:30 to 14:30, others will be scheduled in August.
  • Fitness room: reopening very soon, with restrictions on the number of people, and of course an adapted sanitary protocol (see the displays on the room, and the instructions that will be given by the person in charge),
  • Bibagos: The next opening dates are 7 and 28 July, 11 and 25 August 2020 with a posted health protocol to be respected (see the postings on the room, and the instructions given by those in charge),
  • Qi Quong: classes resume with a limited number of people and outdoors.
  • Salsa: classes resume with mask for participants, and security distances.
  • Group outings: Sailing outings scheduled, and more to come! We are waiting for your proposals of outings, your help to organize new ones.

You will find the dates of the AGOS offices, the Bibagos offices as well as the programmed events on  the AGOS agenda.

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