Pastry workshop with Lilian Bonnefoi Friday febuary 14th

Learn how to cook a lemmon tart  with the  pastry master   Lilian Bonnefoi  in Antibes !

During a 2 hours workshop you will learn all the secrets and you will come back home with your pastry to share with friends or familly.

Friday febuary 14th  from 18:00 to 20:00  (with additional date febuary 21st from 18:00 to 20:00 in case the first slot is full).  The workshop is open for 10  adults (from 15 years old), and will take place at  pâtisserie Bonnefoi, 4 place du Safranier in Antibes.


  • Fare : 70 euros, subsidy rate for AGOS members : 50%
  • To register  : use the  formulaire  (in green (yes) the prefered slot, in orange (maybe) or red (no) the other slot), confirm your registration by paying during   a  “permanence_tickets”.  
  • Only 10 participants per workshop. The registration will be confirmed  after your payment.
  • If you still have a question  : send a  message to Odile Pourtallier

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