Social benefit – Message from CA-AGOS

Sent April 6th,

Dear colleagues, 

The AGOS Board held its first meeting of the year in audio on March
31th. The main item on the agenda was the vote on the association's
budget for 2020. In the exceptional circumstances that we are
experiencing, this budget can only be provisional and subject to
modifications during the year. 

Nevertheless, an exceptional allocation has been foreseen for the
Social Commission in order to cope with any difficulties you may
encounter. In particular, all invalidated AGOS benefits (paid or
advanced) which are not taken into account by the insurance companies
will be reimbursed. Especially for benefits such as family holidays,
youth stays, etc. which will not be postponed, all payments already
made to the AGOS will be fully reimbursed to the beneficiary. 

As far as possible and taking into account current (*) (or future)
legal constraints, our association will be at your side to provide you
with help and support in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis. We will
also take into account the specific situations of our usual service
providers and interveners. 

The AGOS Board wishes to recall the fundamental principle of our
association: solidarity. 

Do not hesitate to contact - by email - your local AGOS secretary or
your local Agos committee (CGL) in case of particular or urgent issues. 

Good containment to all and above all... stay at home. 

The AGOS Board 

(*) It should be remembered that the "assistance" to the agents is a
service provided by Inria and not by AGOS 

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