Guitar Duo and picnic – April 03, 2022 at Villa Eilenroc, Cap d’Antibes

(sorry automatic translation)

An evening that begins with a guitar concert at the Villa Eilenroc in Cap d’Antibes, and continues with a picnic dinner on the Cap d’Antibes where participants will enjoy this first long evening of the year (time change!).

Musical program : Guitar duet. Pascal POLIDORI and Philippe MARIOTTI, professors at the Antibes Conservatory, will play pieces by Piazzolla, Villa Lobos, Gardel, Cardoso, De Falla, Granados, Bocherini and Rodrigo.

  • Date: April 03, 2022 (meet at 18:00 on site)
  • Place : Villa Eilenroc 460 Av. Mrs Beaumont, 06160 Antibes
  • Cost (price paid by AGOS to the providers for any registration): 27 euros. The AGOS subsidizes the “local beneficiaries” (Inria, doctoral students in a team of the center, ERCIM, retired from the center) their spouses and dependent children. The participation they are asked to pay is 12 euros.


  • Conditions:
    • Valid covid vaccination pass.
    • Children can come as long as they are used to attending a concert: the hall is small and it is not possible to leave during the performance.


  • To register :
    • if you have pre-booked in January, come and confirm your participation at an AGOS office by making your payment before 01/03/2022
    • If you have not booked, fill in this FORM (one line per participant without omitting a contact email) the waiting list form we will contact you from 01/03.


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