End of sanitary lock down : loan of some dedicated materials for music

It is once again possible to borrow music equipments with conditions adapted to the current health situation.

Some items are stored in a room (list below at the end of the mail) and you can borrow them, with the usual form.

Only the equipments listed are available for borrowing. Each time an item is returned, it will be cleaned by Laurent and myself as best as possible (please don’t do it yourself) and in any case it will be put back in the room for a minimum of 3 days, in quarantine, before it can be borrowed again.

Good music!

Laurent et David.


  • 1 bass amp Ashdown
  • 1 guitar amp H&H
  • 2 SM58 microphones
  • 1 Beta52 microphone (microphone to sonorise drum kick)
  • 2 SM57 microphones
  • 2 paired static microphones t-bones (in a hard case)
  • 4 short microphone stands
  • 3 long microphone stands
  • 1 pair of active speakers DBR10 Yamaha
  • 4 active back speakers Vonyx
  • 1 mix table Mackie
  • 1 DI BSS
  • 1 pair of speaker stands K&M with soft case
  • 10 XLR cables
  • 6 jack 6.5 cables
  • 3 power strips
  • 1 power extension cord
  • 1 music stand score

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