Caving discovery trip, Sunday July 3rd

AGOS offers you a caving discovery outing, to the Caranques cave, in the Gorges du Loup. This trip is accessible to anyone who is a bit sporty: a fairly steep approach walk of ~20 minutes, then an easy path inside the cave. Some photos of this cave (AGOS group) here:…

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Escape Game in Montpellier, June 3rd

AGOS proposes an outing to the “great escape game” in Montpellier on June 3rd at 19:00, followed by a shared moment in a bar or a restaurant in the area. If you want to participate you can register before May 24th on the framadate of the outing. Don’t forget to…

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Yoga and well-being in the mountains

Good morning all, l’Agos offers you a “Yoga and well-being in the mountains” weekend: When ? the weekend of May 13-15, from Friday evening to Sunday evening Where ? in Annot, with accommodation in chalets: Open to all, beginners welcome, Supervision by our Yoga teacher, Carine Ferraresi Program: Yoga,…

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Harpes Duo and picnic March 20th, 2022

(Sorry automatic translation …) Program of 20/03/2022 at 11:00 am Harp Duo of – Magali PYKA de Coster and Alessandra MAGRINI — Naderman – Boieldieu – Hasselmans – Franck – Tournier – Damase et Andrès. – At the Villa Eilenroc Cap d’Antibes. After the concert we will go for a…

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Beer Tasting, and Brewing workshops

The Agos organizes with our partner CraftAzur, a small brewer located in the area of ​​the 3 Moulins in Sophia, workshops to learn how to brew craft beers. We organise this fall: – a tasting evening, on Friday October 22 from 6 p.m. (duration 2 hours), with a visit to…

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