Pastry workshop with Lilian Bonnefoi Friday October 4th or/and Saturday October 12th

productLearn how to cook a fabulous dessert with the  pastry master   Lilian Bonnefoi  in Antibes !

During a 2 hours workshop you will learn all the secrets and you will come back home with your pastry to share with friends or familly.

Two possible dates depending to the demand  friday October 4 from 18:00 to 20:00 and/or Saturday October 12th from 17:30 to 19:30. The workshop is open for 10  adults (from 15 years old), and will take place at  pâtisserie Bonnefoi, 4 place du Safranier in Antibes.

The first workshop will be dedicated to the   spécialité VIP of Lilian Bonnefoi.  The second workshop, if organized, will be dedicated to one of the following “around  pâte feuilleté and millefeuille ” or  “Saint Honoré”.

  • Fare : 70 euros, subsidy rate for AGOS members : 50%
  • To register  : use the  formulaire  (in green (yes) the prefered slot, in orange (maybe) or red (no) the other slot), before September 14th, confirm your registration by paying during   a  “permanence_tickets”.  Only 10 participant per workshop. The registration will be confirmed  after your payment.
  • For any question  : send a  message.

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