Beer Tasting, and Brewing workshops

The Agos organizes with our partner CraftAzur, a small brewer located in the area of ​​the 3 Moulins in Sophia, workshops to learn how to brew craft beers.
We organise this fall:

– a tasting evening, on Friday October 22 from 6 p.m. (duration 2 hours), with a visit to the brewery, technical explanations, history, quiz, etc. and guided tasting of 5 styles of craft beers.

Cost of the outing 35 euros per person.

This is the price paid by AGOS to the service provider for any registration on the form below.
AGOS subsidizes “local ayants-droit” (rights holders, doctoral students of the center, ERCIM members), their spouses and dependent children. The participation required of them is 9 euros.

Registrations here, attention capacity 20 people maximum, register quickly!


– This tasting will be followed by brewing workshops, as we had already done 2 years ago.
A workshop brings together 5 or 6 people, to make a single type of beer chosen jointly. Participants receive their share of the production approximately 6 weeks after the workshop.
A workshop typically lasts 6 hours, to give the brew time to ferment … These 6 hours include or not a meal break provided, at our choice, but we can decide that later.
So that we can quickly make the group (s), and block the dates, please register before October 22 on the doodle HERE.

Registration conditions (limited to 6 participants pr workshop):

  • be 18 years of age or older,
  • Have a health pass that will be verified on site
  • Respect the sanitary measures in force in the brewery
  • register on the form and agree to participate and come to pay their financial contribution during an AGOS office.

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