(Français) Détendez vous !

Play  ! AGOS ludothèque suggestions :

  • Chess : www.chess.com :  you have to create a free account, you can also pay for additional features (like creating clubs or access to training videos, unlimited problems, etc.).
  • Board games: https://fr.boardgamearena.com/ : allows to play known board games (7Wonders, carcassone, etc.. list in PS), you have to create a free account but with restrictions (not possible to share the same IP address to play e.g. what happens at home, except through a VPN) (fee to lift restrictions).

Cook ! AGOS-cuisine suggestions :

  •   Don’t go out anymore to buy your bread, just do it!
  • And for the most audacious, make your own sourdough too!
  • do not hesitate to  send  photos of your breads , your “tricks” and your experiences to share!


Miscellaneous :

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