Le 44th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival will be held from january 16 to January 26th in Monte Carlo.
L’AGOS negociated tickets prices for 2 sessions
- le jeudi 23 janvier à 20:00 Catégorie : fauteuils C (tarif public 75€)
- le dimanche 26 janvier à 14:30 Catégorie : fauteuils C (tarif public 75€)
- Tarif subventionné AGOS : 28 €
- Tarif extérieurs : 37.5 € Use the form to register . La registration becomes definitive after paiment at permanence AGOS.
Mind, the number of tickets at reduced price is limited !
Registration and paiement before November, 5th
- Only tickets for the previous 2 sessions are subsidized by AGOS
- the fare for adults and chidren are identical
- All the information on the festival are on their web site
- On sunday you can go there by train
- If you still have questions : odile.pourtallier@inria.fr