
S.I.S. is the caving group at INRIA in Sophia-Antipolis, near Nice, in France. We are a small group of cavers working at INRIA, connected with a number of local caving groups, and with the Comité de Spéléologie des Alpes Maritimes (CDS06), that represents the french caving society (FFS) in the Alpes-Maritimes. We are very closely linked with the club les SophiTaupes (<agos-speleo@sophia.inria.fr>). More details, reports, pictures, here: in englishen français Activities :

  • Discovery trips, organised internaly for Agos members, or often in collaboration with the Sophitaupes club, in order to accept both INRIA and external people. These trips can be very easy (kids, families, etc.), or more technical and demanding, including “on rope” vertical caving, or scientific activities (karstologia, hydrology, biospeleology).
  • For permanent members (registered with the SophiTaupe club), all kind of caving sportive activities, exploration, mountain or foreign camps, etc.


  • Journées nationales de la spéléologie et du canyon (JNSC): National days for caving and canyonning. Every yesr, firsdt weekend of October.


  • Discovery trip (moderately sportive)   on Sunday 2017 June 25th, destination : Grotte de Pâques
  • Discovery trip Feb. 2017.
  • Saterday Oct. 8th 2016: Vertical trip. Aven Vigneron (Andon). Informations: eric.madelaine@inria.fr. Attention: limited places, this trip is already full, sorry !
  • Saterday Oct. 1st 2016: Discovery trip. Free, and open to everybody, including family and kids (at least 7 years old); guiding and equipment (caving suit, helmet, lightning) provided by our club. Insurance provided by the federation. Informations (in french, sorry): HERE. Contact: eric.madelaine@inria.fr

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