
We meet every Thursday between 12:00 and 13:00 at Salle de Gym in Inria Sophia for those interested in playing/doing capoeira. The purpose of this activity is to teach those who want to learn capoeira and to provide an opportunity for people with previous capoeira experience to meet and practice together.

What is capoeira?

One of the most frequently asked questions about capoeira is whether it is a martial art or a dance. Sometimes it’s referred to as a martial art, other times as a dance, and sometimes even as a game. In fact, capoeira is a unique blend of all of these. Capoeira movements consist of a series of flowing, rhythmic movements that are always accompanied by music. It serves not only as a form of self-defense but also as a way to maintain spirituality and culture.

Do you have to be athletic or have a flexible body?

Being sporty/athletic and having a lithe/flexible body can help you progress faster, but it is not a requirement. You can develop these skills over time!

What will we do during the activity?

We will start with a warm-up session, followed by the practice of different capoeira techniques starting from the beginner’s level. The techniques will vary depending on the style of capoeira being taught, which includes Angola and Regional.

We will also have a ‘Roda,’ which is a circular formation where two capoeiristas enter and play capoeira while other participants sing typical songs and clap their hands to the music. Participants can also join in for the next round of the ‘Roda.’

Furthermore, there will be additional sections dedicated to stretching our bodies and becoming more agile for the next level of techniques. Finally, we will also cover some basic acrobatics such as loops, somersaults, and handstands. »

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