Home>Modify>If you are not the submitter
If you are not the submitter, and depending on the rights you have over the instance/laboratory, you must use the article password to modify the article (this will be given to you by the submitter of the article):
IMPORTANT : You can only modify a submission from the instance in which it was created/submitted. The instance in which the submission was made is indicated by a prefix in the publication’s identifier, containing the instance and the publication number.
Exemples: inria-0001212 pour HAL-Inria,
hal-* pour HAL,
lirmm-* pour HAL-LIRMM, etc.
IMPORTANT : Only the submitter, who has the article identifier and password, can modify the field of an article. When you modify a field (modify metadata’), you can add fields, but you cannot delete them.
You can also ask the author of the publication to ’ Share ownership’’ so that you can modify the publication See the section Sharing ownership