Making a submission



The HAL platform does not include some types of document which, from INRIA’s point of view, constitute scientific contributions that could legitimately be disseminated in open-access archives and listed as INRIA output.

HAL-Inria+ was therefore set up to allow such documents to be submitted and disseminated.

It is now possible to submit:

- Science articles for the layman

- Popular scientific book chapter

- Documents associated with scientific events (tutorials, posters/presentations/prefaces, short papers, conference digests, etc.) CAUTION: obligation of deposit the full text.

- Student dissertations. See Filing of dissertations on HAL-Inria

These documents, which are not visible from the generic HAL platform, are indexed by the Google and Google Scholar search engines and the OAI harvesters.

Posting on HAL-INRIA provides visibility and long-term storage for this scientific output.

These types of documents are submitted via HAL-INRIA and the documents will only be visible from HAL-INRIA..

In the near future, this list will be expanded to other types of documents.

For any further information, contact:

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