Home>Making a submission>Import publications
Making a submission
It is possible to make a submission in HAL based on an existing submission in ArXiV or Pubmed using the publication’s identifier (tab: ‘Submit – Documents with links to ArXiV or PubMed’).
For a submission linked to ArXiv, the full references of the link must be provided.
Submission is performed in 3 stages :
You must enter the identifier of the document to be retrieved from the ArXiv server.
E.g.: Use the full identifier "arXiv:0811.1250" or simply "0811.1250".
You can click on ‘Check your link here’ to check whether the corresponding document can be found in ArXiv. Then click on “Next step”.
-You must enter the metadata :
The metadata are, by default, filled in using the data retrieved from ArXiv. The fields are retrieved from ArXiv
Then click on ‘Next step’. The following metadata are also filled in using the data retrieved from ArXiv and you have the possibility of completing them. You can ‘Add the bibliographical reference’ if the document is published. Then click on “Next step"
This is a recap stage, where you can check the metadata retrieved/entered.
Modify them if necessary by clicking on ’Previous step’. Then click on ‘Submit’ to finish the submission.
Please note that at the end of the form, you must select the publication type by clicking on the button ’choose publication type’; otherwise, your publication will be archived in the ’Other publications’ category.
WARNING A transfer of ArXiv towards Hal generates a "document without file" with a link towards Arxiv where you can consult the full text. The deposit will be visible in " My deposit" > "document without file" but it will not be possible to add a file.
For more information about submission on ArXiv, see the article Transfer to ArXiv
For a submission linked to Pubmed, the full references of the link must be provided.
Submission is performed in 3 stages :
You must enter the identifier of the document to be retrieved from the PubMed server.
Use the full identifier "PMID: 18986514" or simply "18986514"..
You can click on ‘Check your link here’ to check whether the corresponding document can be found in Pubmed. Then click on “Next step”
-You must enter the metadata: The metadata are, by default, filled in using the data retrieved on PubMed
. Then click on “Next step”.
This is a recap stage, where you can check the metadata entered. Modify them if necessary by clicking on ’Previous step’. Then click on ‘Submit’ to finish the submission.