Home>Making a submission>Import publications
Making a submission
You can also use the ’BibTeX pre-entry’ function, which will automatically generate the record of the type specified in the BibTeX content (some metadata are pre-entered).
In the ’Submit’ menu, select the tab ’BibTeX pre-entry’.
The format of the submission will be selected automatically based on the type defined in the BibTeX, namely:
* only the first element of the BibTeX content will be taken into account
* for the authors, only the formats: First Name1 Surname1 and First Name2 Surname2 or Surname1, First Name1 and Surname2, First Name2 will be taken into account.
* the "and" between 2 names must be in lower case.
IMPORTANT: The import only works for one article at a time. For each new document submitted, you must use the ‘BibTeX pre-entry’ function again.